Calendar-based seasons were considered: winter (22
December–20 March), spring (21 March–20 June), summer
(21 June–22 September), and autumn (23 September–21
December). The environmental conditions such as the
amount of light hours (LH), the light ratio, as the percentage
of the light hours in 24 hours (LHR), and the lower, the
higher, and the mean environmental temperature (LET,
HET, and MET respectively), were recorded.
Calendar-based seasons were considered: winter (22December–20 March), spring (21 March–20 June), summer(21 June–22 September), and autumn (23 September–21December). The environmental conditions such as theamount of light hours (LH), the light ratio, as the percentageof the light hours in 24 hours (LHR), and the lower, thehigher, and the mean environmental temperature (LET,HET, and MET respectively), were recorded.
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