The lipid oxidation of the lamb paˆte´ evaluated by TBARS is
shown in Fig. 1. During the storage time, significant changes
(p < 0.01) were observed in the malonaldehyde content, and
the TBARS values increased gradually until 60 days of storage
and then began to decrease. According to Bertolin et al. (2010),
this decrease during storage can be attributed to the reaction
of malonaldehyde with proteins. Similar behaviour was
reported by Nassu et al. (2003) and Rubio, Martı´nez, Garcı´aCacha´n,
Rovira, and Jaime (2008), who studied the oxidative
stability of fermented sausage. Este´vez and Cava (2004) found
higher TBARS values in pig liver paˆte´ stored for 90 days.
The lipid oxidation of the lamb paˆte´ evaluated by TBARS isshown in Fig. 1. During the storage time, significant changes(p < 0.01) were observed in the malonaldehyde content, andthe TBARS values increased gradually until 60 days of storageand then began to decrease. According to Bertolin et al. (2010),this decrease during storage can be attributed to the reactionof malonaldehyde with proteins. Similar behaviour wasreported by Nassu et al. (2003) and Rubio, Martı´nez, Garcı´aCacha´n,Rovira, and Jaime (2008), who studied the oxidativestability of fermented sausage. Este´vez and Cava (2004) foundhigher TBARS values in pig liver paˆte´ stored for 90 days.
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