From the above analysis of the QWL literature, it can be convincingly reiterated that different people have different perspectives on defining QWL (Davis and Cherns, 1975). According to Guest (1979), QWL is a construct that is multifaceted and context-based, and there is still a lack of a universally accepted definition of the QWL concept (Kruger et al., 2002). Considering the QWL studies so far, the approach and methodology mostly loomed over broader definitions of QWL. Therefore understanding the attributes of each dimension of QWL, presented a unique challenge and doubtful adaptability to a hospitality work environment. It is observed that despite acknowledging that employees’ start job with expectations that has been found to influence their QWL, a definition founded and formulated on the basis of employee expectation is conspicuously lacking, in the hospitality context. The present study attempted to address this gap by exploring the stakeholders’ expectations of QWL and its attributes. Knowledge regarding these attributes would increase our understanding of expected QWL construct in a hospitality work environment.