4. Around 200 people have died on the mountain, but every year people continue to come from all over the world to climb it. Some want to see the view that Norgay and Hillary saw. Most, though, just want to climb the highest mountain on Earth.
A. Complete each sentence with the correct word.
View temperature average avalanche felt
1. Our hotel room had a wonderful ……………. Of the city.
2. The …………….. age of US soldiers who fought in Vietnam was nineteen.
3. Perth is one of the hottest cities in Australia. In summer the …………….. can reach 40 degrees.
4. I ………….. very sad when my cat died.
5. An …………. Is a huge amount of ice and snow that falls down a mountain.
B. Choose the correct word or phrase with the same meaning as the blue words in each sentence.
Very bad weather with strong winds and lots of snow or rain
Wonderful or very surprising without warning carry on about