Although, it is transferring from traditional credit management to be more intensive, scientific and modernized,due to the restrictions from such as management systems, techniques and individual qualities, commercial banks’ works on pre risk management is relatively weak, that means the works concerning investigations before the loan, in the loan and after the loan are hardly implemented properly. For many commercial banks, the risk monitoring and warning systems have not been operated. In terms of other precautions, there are seldom seen, either, and the preventions of risks are mainly relay on such statistics as, loan risk degree, single loan ratio and non-performing loans ratio. These data indicating credit qualities are used to monitor and restrict credit behaviors of commercial banks and their branches, for the purpose of controlling commercial banks’ credit quotas
and credit qualities. This control, however, is only suited to constraining the extensive bank management behaviors. And it cannot be appropriately adapted to the transformation of domestic bank management pattern. At the same time, it also does not conform to the trend of the development of modern risk management of commercial banks.