feed intake and nutrient digestibility and in turn enhance the health of fish, increasing the ability to fight off
infections through the reduction of stress levels. The results in the current study are in accordance with
Watanabe et al. (1990) and Takeuchi et al. (2002) who found that feed supplemented with S. platensis powder
improved the feed conversion ratio and growth rates in striped jack, Pseudocaranx dentex. Lu et al. (2002)
demonstrated that raw S. platensis can be an effective uni-feed for larval tilapia at a feeding rate of 30% (on a
dry basis) of body weight. Abdel-Tawwab and Ahmed (2009) recorded that the growth and feed utilization of O.
niloticus were obtained at 5.0 g fresh culture of S. platensis /kg diet. On the contrary, Ungsethaphand et al. (2010)
recorded that the final weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio of hybrid red tilapia were not
affected by S. platensis supplementation. These variations might be attributed to the difference in the S. platensis
concentration to exert the intended effects, the form of S. platensis, raw or dried S. platensis or even its products,
fish species and size in addition to the rearing conditions.
feed intake and nutrient digestibility and in turn enhance the health of fish, increasing the ability to fight offinfections through the reduction of stress levels. The results in the current study are in accordance withWatanabe et al. (1990) and Takeuchi et al. (2002) who found that feed supplemented with S. platensis powderimproved the feed conversion ratio and growth rates in striped jack, Pseudocaranx dentex. Lu et al. (2002)demonstrated that raw S. platensis can be an effective uni-feed for larval tilapia at a feeding rate of 30% (on adry basis) of body weight. Abdel-Tawwab and Ahmed (2009) recorded that the growth and feed utilization of O.niloticus were obtained at 5.0 g fresh culture of S. platensis /kg diet. On the contrary, Ungsethaphand et al. (2010)recorded that the final weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio of hybrid red tilapia were notaffected by S. platensis supplementation. These variations might be attributed to the difference in the S. platensisconcentration to exert the intended effects, the form of S. platensis, raw or dried S. platensis or even its products,fish species and size in addition to the rearing conditions.
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