Acknowledgement of Notification
for Export Industrial Product according to Section 20-Tri
According to Industial Product Standards Act B.E. 2511 (1968)
as amended by Industial Product Standards Act (NO.6) B.E.2548 (2005)
Thai Industrial Standards Institute has recieved Export Notification according to Section 20-Tri, from ..........Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co, Ltd.......... Signed date ......... August 5, 2014.......
and issued this Acknowledgement of Notification as the evidence.
The exporter must follow the terms and conditions as attached. In case of the exporter does not comply with section 20-Tri and section 36/1, the exporter will be punised according to article 48, section 39 and 55 of Industial Product Standards Act.
Given on ......... 5-August............B.E...2557 (2014)...........
Sign.......Miss Somsong......... Recipient
I ,.. Nutgodchaporn Aungkawarapuntukorn..., owner or representative of .... Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co, Ltd......already received the Acknowledgement of Notification for Export Industrial Product according to Section 20-Tri and will follow the Terms and conditions as attached.
Sign ......Nutgodchaporn A......................
Date.........August 5, 2014..................