• TUF Group’s WACC is currently approximated at 8.5%. This rate should be used by all
subsidiaries as a discount rate for VIU calculation for the purposes of impairment test.
• In case the group’s WACC discount rate does not reflect current market assessment of risks
specific to the CGU (legal entity) and currency specific risks, the legal entity should provide
justification and supporting documents for a suitable rate to discuss and obtain concurrent
agreement from Group Accounting Department before applying the specific discount rate on
case by case basis.
- Taxation: In practice, as management budgets / forecasts are constructed to incorporate tax,
DCFs for determining VIU are prepared based on post-tax discount rate and post-tax cash
flows. However, if estimated future cash flows are pre-tax, a pre-tax discount rate should be
- Inflation: If future cash flows are nominated in nominal terms, the discount rate should
include the effect of price increases attributable to general inflation. If future cash flows are
estimated in real terms, the discount rate should exclude the effect of price increases
attributable to general inflation.
6. Recognizing an Impairment
• If the recoverable amount of an asset (CGU) is lower than its carrying amount, the carrying amount
of the asset (CGU) is reduced to its recoverable amount.
• An impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss, except when the related assets is carried at its
revalued amount in which case the impairment is recognized in other comprehensive income to the
extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the revaluation surplus for that asset.
Allocation of impairment loss of CGU:
• First, reduce the carrying amount of goodwill
• Then, allocate any remaining impairment to all other impairable assets within CGU (i.e. assets within
the scope of this document) based on their relative values
• Allocation to all other assets must not subsequently result in the carrying amount of these assets
being below the higher of:
a) Fair value less cost of disposal (if measurable)
b) Value in use (if determinable), and
c) Zero
7. Reversing an Impairment
• At each balance sheet date, an entity needs to assess whether an impairment loss recognized in
prior periods has reduced or no longer exists.
• Impairment indicators (section 4) should be used as reverse indicators; for example:
- A significant and continuing improvement of economic performance of an asset
- An idle asset is re-used to make profitable product
• TUF Group’s WACC is currently approximated at 8.5%. This rate should be used by all
subsidiaries as a discount rate for VIU calculation for the purposes of impairment test.
• In case the group’s WACC discount rate does not reflect current market assessment of risks
specific to the CGU (legal entity) and currency specific risks, the legal entity should provide
justification and supporting documents for a suitable rate to discuss and obtain concurrent
agreement from Group Accounting Department before applying the specific discount rate on
case by case basis.
- Taxation: In practice, as management budgets / forecasts are constructed to incorporate tax,
DCFs for determining VIU are prepared based on post-tax discount rate and post-tax cash
flows. However, if estimated future cash flows are pre-tax, a pre-tax discount rate should be
- Inflation: If future cash flows are nominated in nominal terms, the discount rate should
include the effect of price increases attributable to general inflation. If future cash flows are
estimated in real terms, the discount rate should exclude the effect of price increases
attributable to general inflation.
6. Recognizing an Impairment
• If the recoverable amount of an asset (CGU) is lower than its carrying amount, the carrying amount
of the asset (CGU) is reduced to its recoverable amount.
• An impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss, except when the related assets is carried at its
revalued amount in which case the impairment is recognized in other comprehensive income to the
extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the revaluation surplus for that asset.
Allocation of impairment loss of CGU:
• First, reduce the carrying amount of goodwill
• Then, allocate any remaining impairment to all other impairable assets within CGU (i.e. assets within
the scope of this document) based on their relative values
• Allocation to all other assets must not subsequently result in the carrying amount of these assets
being below the higher of:
a) Fair value less cost of disposal (if measurable)
b) Value in use (if determinable), and
c) Zero
7. Reversing an Impairment
• At each balance sheet date, an entity needs to assess whether an impairment loss recognized in
prior periods has reduced or no longer exists.
• Impairment indicators (section 4) should be used as reverse indicators; for example:
- A significant and continuing improvement of economic performance of an asset
- An idle asset is re-used to make profitable product
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