Comparison with other statistics indicated that the distribution
of use functions is strongly right-skewed. For example, the mean
(4.5) is higher than the median (3), the mode (1) is the same as
the minimum, and the maximum (24) is very large. Fig. 3 confirms
our deduction that the distribution is right-skewed (to increase
granularity, use functions above 20 are omitted from the graph.
Inclusion of these records would have made the graph even more
right-skewed). The data shows that the great majority of sessions
included fewer than five function requests, half included three or
fewer, and a disappointingly large number of sessions included
only a single function request. This finding should be noted by service
developers because it raises the question of why elders are
leaving so soon. Notably, however, the third and fourth most common
actions included five and eight actions, respectively, which is
higher than the expected number.