Materials and methods
Preparation of buffalo meat emulsion
The buffalo meat emulsion for conducting thermal resistance
study using C.sporogenes PA 3679 was prepared
based on the procedure outlined by Anjaneyulu et al. (1990).
Thermal Death Time (TDT) determination
In order to obtain a process time for emulsion type buffalo
meat blocks processed in r etort pouches, the heat resistance
of C.sporogenes PA 3679 in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) as a
reference medium and in buffalo meat emulsion (pH 6.28)
was determined in the range of 110–121°C.
Test organism
C.sporogenes PA 3679 was procured from Institute of Microbial
Technology (IMTEC), Chandigarh, MTCC-1349 in
freeze dried form.
Medias used
Robertson Cooked Meat (RCM) medium, Tryptose sulfite
cycloserine agar(TSC) ,Fluid thioglycollate medium (FTG)
and Ellner’s sporulation medium were used (APHA 1984).
Preparation of spore suspension of C.sporogenes PA3679
The freeze dried form of C.sporogenes PA 3679 was thawed
and inoculated in to 20 ml tube containing RCM-Medium
and incubated for a period of 24 h. The development of
cloudiness after the incubation and foul smelling confirmed
that the organism received was C.sporogenes PA 3679. The
second confirmation of this organism was done by Gram’s
staining (Tortora et al. 1994). It showed that typical sub
terminal spores of C.sporgenes PA 3679 under oil immersion(
100 X magnification). After the preliminary screening
of the organism for its purity it was further used in heat
resistance studies to determine the required thermal process.