Sensory analysis
Sensory evaluation was carried out for the cooked fish by a panel
of 10 trained researchers. The panelists consisted of scientists and
research fellows of the fish processing division of the institute, who
have experience and undergone training on the sensory analysis
of fish. The panelists were asked to judge the product individually
to get fair results. Three pouches from each batch were drawn at
monthly intervals and were analyzed by the method of IS: 6273(II
(1971). The thawed fish were washed with potable water,made into
fillets and boiled for 10 min in brine solution (2%), cooled, and
served on a clean plate. A glass of water was provided to restore
the taste after analyzing 1 product. The panels were asked to score
for the appearance, color, odor, flavor, taste, and texture using a 10-
point hedonic scale (IS: 6273(II) 1971). Scores 9 to 10, 6 to 8, 4 to 5,
and 1 to 3were taken for excellent, good, fair, and poor, respectively,
for each of the sensory characters.