The graph shows the adult daily smoking rate by age group in Australian between the years 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010 in percent terms.
According to the graph, we can see that, in 2001, 24% of 18-24 years old smoked daily by 2010, this had fallen to 16% and continued to rise about 26% of 25-34 years old in 2001 and from 2004 to 2010 had dropped to 19%. The same decline had not been seen among older people. People aged 45-65+ years old smoked on average the adult daily smoking rate by age group in each of the four years has dropped considerably number of cigarettes compared with other age groups.
In conclusion, we may say that overall the adult daily smoking rate by age group in the four years seems to be decreasing dramatically in aged 65+ as the lowest with other age groups.