One of the most bizarre and a bit scary event that happens annually in Castrillo de Murcia of Spain is The Baby Jumping Festival. Famous as El Colacho in Spanish, this festival is in vogue sine 1620s.
The festival is a part of the celebrations for the Catholic festival of Corpus Christi. During the proceedings, numerous new born babies are placed on the ground in swaddling clothes. After it grown up men dressed as devils jump over these infants.
Though it sounds quite horrible, it is celebrated in Spain with fervour and spirit. The motive of the festival is to purify the souls of these babies and to protect them form future sins.
The event's origins are vague, but the celebration is an example of the mix of traditional Spanish folklore and religion.
Spain has always been known for its uncommon customs and festivals, be it Bullfighting or throwing tomatoes over each other. This is another to prolong that list of queer celebrations.
The Spanish town of Castrillo de Murcia has more to celebrate rather than the bull fighting.The occasion just needs some foam mattresses with a bunch of babies lying on them. For What? Its for the the baby jumping festival in Spain. This festival seems to be an evil tradition by many but it's far from that. The locals perform this exorcism on infants to ward off the evil and bestow them with good health.