Implicit attitudes may also play a pivotal role for preservice
teachers’ judgments and behaviors, since working as a teacher is
stressful (Van Dick & Wagner, 2001), often requiring action under
time pressure (Santavirta, Solovieva, & Theorell, 2007). Under such
conditions, implicit attitudes may be particularly influential. Given
that preservice teachers’ judgments can have a great impact on
students’ future educational and professional careers, preservice
teachers’ implicit attitudes toward racial minority students are
vital when they enter the classroom.
Implicit attitudes may also play a pivotal role for preserviceteachers’ judgments and behaviors, since working as a teacher isstressful (Van Dick & Wagner, 2001), often requiring action undertime pressure (Santavirta, Solovieva, & Theorell, 2007). Under suchconditions, implicit attitudes may be particularly influential. Giventhat preservice teachers’ judgments can have a great impact onstudents’ future educational and professional careers, preserviceteachers’ implicit attitudes toward racial minority students arevital when they enter the classroom.
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