We examined time spent on nursing bedside education and care management in two ways: total hours The education topic that consumed the greatest percentage of nursing time was bladder education. We hypothesize that this may be due to the ongoing and frequent bladder management needs of patients with SCI. Rehabilitation nurses usually initiate and reinforce a bladder management plan of care in keeping with clinical practice guidelines23 and individual patient needs and preferences. This begins early in the rehabilitation process as indwelling urinary catheters often are removed soon after admission. Bladder management techniques require continuous practice by the patient and ongoing education of the patient and family throughout the rehabilitation stay. Urinary catheterization can be performed as frequently as every 4 hours, in contrast to a daily bowel program or twice-daily skin assessment. Patients may also be more motivated to practice and master catheterization techniques because being clean and free of incontinent episodes enhances self-image, improves self-worth and general health, as well as facilitates community reintegration.