Change in hb levels
Mean Hb levels over time for the FAS are shown in Figure 1.
For the PAS, the mean Hb change at week 9 was 1.2 (standard
deviation [SD]: 1.4) g/dL; the median (quartile 1, quartile 3)
Hb change was 1.2 (0.3, 2.0) g/dL. At week 9, 295 patients
(58% [95% confience intervals {CI}: 54–62]) had an Hb
increase $1 g/dL. Up to EOS, 386 patients (76% [95% CI:
72–79]) had an Hb increase $1 g/dL (at any point). The
median time to fist Hb increase $1 g/dL was 36.5 (95%
CI: 30–43) days (Figure 2); the Kaplan–Meier estimate for
the proportion of patients with an Hb increase $1 g/dL by
EOS was 79% (95% CI: 75–83).