A Thermoalkalophilic amylase was produced from an environmental bacterial isolate. The enzyme was
then immobilized through its amino groups onto the epoxy rings of magnetic poly glycidyl methacrylate
[m-poly (GMA)] beads. The free enzyme was active within a large pH range, between 7 and 12 and
displayed the optimum activity at 95 ◦C and pH 10. The immobilization appeared to increase the stability
of the enzyme as its bound form showed optimum activity at 105 ◦C and pH 11.0. Kinetic studies
demonstrated that immobilized enzyme had higher Km and lower Vmax values. The activity of the free and
bound enzyme was determined, at 37 ◦C and pH 10.0 and pH 11.0, respectively, in the presence of various
organic solvents and detergents (5%, v/v). Results obtained indicated that detergents, sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) and TritonX-100, caused six fold increase and that various organic solvents also increased
the activity of the amylase.