Initially, 4 g of material was placed in the extractor. Glass beads were placed in the bottom and top of the extractor vessel to avoid channeling during the extraction. Liquid CO2 from a cylinder tank with a siphon was passed through a chiller kept at 5 C and compressed to the operating pressure by a high pressure pump. Compressed CO2 was flowed continuously into the extractor placed in the heating bath and maintained at the operating pressure. The exit fluid from the extractor was expanded to the atmospheric pressure by the back pressure regulator. The extract was collected in vials every 5 min for the first 30 min and then every 30 min for 180 min of extraction, weighed immediately after the collection, and refrigerated at 20 C prior to analysis. To minimize decomposition and oxidation of extracted compounds, all samples were protected from light and ambient oxygen with aluminum foil. The extractions were carried out at temperatures ranging from 70 to 90 C, pressures of 20–40 MPa, CO2 flow rates of 2–4 mL/min, and various ratios of peel, seeds and particle sizes. To investigate the composition of tomato seed oil, oil from tomato seeds was extracted under identical operating conditions. Each experiment was conducted in triplicate and cited as mean ± standard deviation.