High-strength steels show fatigue failure in gigacycle regions due to elimination of a conventional fatigue limit.
This phenomenon is called gigacycle fatigue (GCF) or very high cycle fatigue (VHCF), and actively researched in
recent years [1-5]. The fatigue failure in the gigacycle regions is mainly caused by fish-eye fracture (internal
fracture), so fish-eye fracture is a key to understand the gigacycle fatigue of high-strength steels. A recent research
found that size effects were relatively large in case of the fish-eye fracture of high-strength steels [6, 7]. In this case,
the fatigue strength fell when the fatigue tests were conducted using large specimens. Fish-eye fracture of highstrength
steels originates mostly from an inclusion and the inclusion size largely affects the fatigue strength. Hence,
the large size effects could relate to the inclusion size of the fish-eye fracture origin.
On the other hand, ultrasonic fatigue testing [8-12] is a powerful tool to evaluate the gigacycle fatigue properties.
The ultrasonic fatigue testing realizes extremely high frequency of 20 kHz, which achieves 109
cycles in one day
instead of the 3 months needed with a conventional 100-Hz fatigue testing. Although the validity of the ultrasonic
fatigue testing has been debated for a long time, recent research has clearly demonstrated its validity in case that
fish-eye fracture occurs in high-strength steels [6, 13-14]. Namely, the results of ultrasonic fatigue testing show
good agreement with those of the conventional 100 Hz fatigue testing under conditions where fish-eye fractures
occur in high-strength steels. This conclusion supports the use of the ultrasonic fatigue testing in evaluating
High-strength steels show fatigue failure in gigacycle regions due to elimination of a conventional fatigue limit.This phenomenon is called gigacycle fatigue (GCF) or very high cycle fatigue (VHCF), and actively researched inrecent years [1-5]. The fatigue failure in the gigacycle regions is mainly caused by fish-eye fracture (internalfracture), so fish-eye fracture is a key to understand the gigacycle fatigue of high-strength steels. A recent researchfound that size effects were relatively large in case of the fish-eye fracture of high-strength steels [6, 7]. In this case,the fatigue strength fell when the fatigue tests were conducted using large specimens. Fish-eye fracture of highstrengthsteels originates mostly from an inclusion and the inclusion size largely affects the fatigue strength. Hence,the large size effects could relate to the inclusion size of the fish-eye fracture origin.On the other hand, ultrasonic fatigue testing [8-12] is a powerful tool to evaluate the gigacycle fatigue properties.The ultrasonic fatigue testing realizes extremely high frequency of 20 kHz, which achieves 109 cycles in one dayinstead of the 3 months needed with a conventional 100-Hz fatigue testing. Although the validity of the ultrasonicfatigue testing has been debated for a long time, recent research has clearly demonstrated its validity in case thatfish-eye fracture occurs in high-strength steels [6, 13-14]. Namely, the results of ultrasonic fatigue testing showgood agreement with those of the conventional 100 Hz fatigue testing under conditions where fish-eye fracturesoccur in high-strength steels. This conclusion supports the use of the ultrasonic fatigue testing in evaluating
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