- illustrate and talk about relationships (A1); - devise and use problem-solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (MP1); - use their own language … and diagrams to explain mathematical ideas (MP1).
• Students write a number sentence for a story. For example, Genna collected 4 shells from one place on the beach and 2 shells from another place. She has 6 shells altogether.
Using this example, teachers could assess students’ ability to: - write number sentences, using = , from story contexts (A1); - make up, tell, and record number stories, up to 9, about given objects and sequence pictures (N1).
Sample Development Band Activities
• Students arrange and re-arrange a number of objects to show different ways of representing the number. They read and record each arrangement and explain the result.
• Students make a chart showing the relationships they have sorted from a set of picture cards.
• Students make a number story book and share their entries with others. An entry might be: Mum had three potatoes and Dad had seven. 7+3=10. Dad ate more than Mum. He had 4 more. 7 is 4 more than 3.
• Students explore, record, and describe a variety of number patterns, for example, by using a hundreds board.