Everyday Life / Profession:
The New Moon occurs in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. Last week, the topic was boundaries that you should reflect upon. You will take these boundaries with you into the new Moon month and grow through them. However, Saturn stands not only for boundaries but also for standards, moral guidelines, and laws. Or for inhibitions and guilt feelings. And since Saturn is in Sagittarius, your own standards are probably what can become the problem. This problem could be found in a lack of restraint, carelessness, and abandon as indicated by the planets in the sign of Gemini. But those who swing the moral hammer too much may want to have a less constrained life. It is so easy to reproach someone else. You believe that you are distracting from yourself…
Partnership / Love:
This New Moon and the planets in Gemini show that a lot is happening for you on the interpersonal level - even if you try to defend yourself against it (Saturn). Admit it: You are flattered when someone knocks on your door and feel powerful when you can turn others down. Self-determined loneliness is much more pleasant than when this state is forced upon you.