Exploring our missing Cultural Costume, a competition is open for all Canadians 5 to 105. This is where aspiring designers create a Male & Female Provincial Cultural Costume, leading up to the grand finale, creating Canada’s Male & Female National Traditional Costume. The winners of the National and 13 individual Provinces & Territories will undoubtedly have their names written in the History books. THIS IS THE TIME TO SHOW THAT GREAT CANADIAN PRIDE, let’s show the planet how creative we Canadians are with our designs.
Use your imagination; your design could be anything from the Coureurs de Bois to Victorian Dresses to D’Squared Suits to Liz Claiborne Dresses or anything in between. The citizen’s of Canada will Vote for the Male & Female Traditional Costume they feel best represents our character to the rest of the world. By the way, Voting is free and it’s open to each and every Canadian to design the National Traditional Costume.
There is also a Male & Female Traditional Provincial Costume to be designed. Of course since there are 10 Provinces & 3 Territories in our spectacular Country that means 26 original designs will represent the 10 Provinces & 3 Territories to the rest of the World. Voting is also free to the general public to determine the winners.
This is the first time in the history of the World that a Nation will Vote for the Traditional Costume that they feel best represents their Country to the rest of the Planet.
There is also a competition for designers of the rest of the World to have a Male & Female National Traditional Costume designed on how the rest of the Planet views what Canada looks like through the eyes of their Country.
Alright Canada and the rest of the World, start designing those stunning costumes so we can start representing Canucks to the rest of the Planet with good old Canadian Pride.