Thailand is often compared to an elephant. In fact, the elephant is used as the symbol of the country. Prior to Thailand’s current tri-color flag, the Thai flag was a white elephant on a plain red background. The white elephant is considered the royal animal. Thai people view elephant with respect, some even with awe, due to the elephant’s size and taciturn composure. Some Thais believe that those who are tainted with bad karma would be reincarnated as an animal. Those reappearing as an elephant are people who accumulated many good deeds in their previous lives, but they were also tainted with bad karma. Although the elephant is classified below human beings in the Thai view, the elephant possesses the highest merit, more than any of the other animals. In Buddhist scripture, elephants served Buddha and many of his followers. Buddha even was reincarnated as an elephant once before his last life as the Buddha. The Thai appreciation of elephants reflects their admiration for the elephants’ characteristics and behaviors.