Notifying MasterCard of Intent to Participate
If a country or region has decided, by a valid decision-making process, to
adopt a chip or chip/PIN liability shift for domestic or intraregional transactions,
an authorized representative of the MasterCard country or region must notify
MasterCard management in writing of the decision.
If a country or region has decided, by a valid decision-making process,
to participate in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional
transactions, an authorized representative of the MasterCard country or
region must notify MasterCard management in writing to express the country
or region’s intent to participate. The notification must specify the level of
participation (Level 1 or Level 2, as described in section Levels of Participation)
and scope, whether intraregional (for a country) or interregional with other
like participants. Notifying MasterCard of Intent to ParticipateIf a country or region has decided, by a valid decision-making process, toadopt a chip or chip/PIN liability shift for domestic or intraregional transactions,an authorized representative of the MasterCard country or region must notifyMasterCard management in writing of the decision.If a country or region has decided, by a valid decision-making process,to participate in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregionaltransactions, an authorized representative of the MasterCard country orregion must notify MasterCard management in writing to express the countryor region’s intent to participate. The notification must specify the level ofparticipation (Level 1 or Level 2, as described in section Levels of Participation)and scope, whether intraregional (for a country) or interregional with otherlike participants.
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