Case report A 39-year-old male was referred to our retinal clinic complaining of sharply decreased vision in his right eye, with photophobia and headache. He had suffered severe chemical burns five months previously, and his left eye underwent amniotic membrane transplantation(AMT) combined with tarsorrhaphy for persistent corneal ulceration. A comprehensive examination was performed. The best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA) of his right eye was counting fingers; the left eyelids had been sutured together. Examination of the right eye revealed a granulomatous panuveitis with dif fuse mutton-fat keratic precipitates(KP), iris posterior synechiae, anterior chamber cells(1+), flares(1+), radial retinal folds surrounding the macula, and a subretinal yellow-white exudate(Figure 1). Fluorescence angiography(FA) revealed multiple pinpoint eariy-stage retinal pigment epithelium leaks, dye pooling with mul tiple lake-like areas, and late-stage optic disk hyperfluorescence(Figure 2). Optical coherence tomography(OCT) showed multifocal serous neural retinal detachment in the posterior pole. B-scan ultrasonography revealed a bilateraiiy thickened choroius and viireous opacity