In this section, we will details the proposed texture analysis method. This method is inspired from LBP
method. So, the LBP method is briefly explained. After that, the proposed method is detailed on two parts.Part
1 explains our NBP method,Part 2 illustrates the invariance to rotation of NBP. Anillustration which
summarizes the proposed architecture of the IRS will be also given.The Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operator was proposed by Ojala and Pietikainen in 1996 [9].And used in recent works [3][11].This method uses a 3x3 analysis window. The neighborhood of the central pixel is thresholded by the value of the central pixel. Each neighbor is coded by 1 if its value is above or equal than the central pixel value, and encoded by 0 otherwise. Binary code is obtained from the analysis window and converted into a decimal number LBP number.