The effect of collagen lysozyme(cu oux lysozyme HI collagen: cu2. o3r lysozyme +4x collagen: Cl3, osx lysozyme. 43x collagen: CLA. 0.7x lysozyme-4x collagen, wlv) e coatings on preserving fresh- salmon fillets(Salmo salar) were evaluated over a 15 day storage at refrigerated temperature(4 t 1 C) Physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory analyses were performed dunng storage. Results demonstrated that all treatments significantly improve the preservation quality of fresh-salmon fillets(P 0.05). Especially. CLA decreased the total volatile basic nitrogen(TVB-N) values and inhibited the growth of bacterial better than other treatments. however presented prejudicial to the overall accept- ability of the samples. C13 had the best effect on reducing the weight loss of the samples. Nevertheless, there were no obvious differences on the color and pH berween the control and the treated samples(P 0.05). The results indicated that CL coating was effective for the preservation or fresh-salmon fillets. Published by Elsevier Ltd.