My sweetheart
I have just
red your email and i am so happy each time i read mail
from you. I hope you are
fine there with your family
Honey, i just wish to let you know that all i have expressed to you in all my emails comes from my heart, though it is very difficult for me to find the best word to describe how i feel but i tried to let you imagine what i feel.
I might sound desperate expressing my mind but honestly i wish you can have the same feeling i am having right now. I know that you are someone who believe actions rather than words. I know what i feel for your, i did not force my self to feel it, i can say that it is a feeling that come naturally.
I also believe in putting my words into action so that you can feel exactly what i have written in physical action. I have the intention to be there with you, for us to meet and spend time together to know the compatibility in us. Meanwhile, i want the bond between us to be strong and
unbreakable in any
You know as we get older everyday, our desire in marriage tend to shift toward being happy and live a little bit longer. When we were young, our intention is to be successful in life and have our own family but as we get older, we tent to pursue happiness more than anything in the world because we want to live and witness our children being successful in their life. My dear, all that we desire now in happiness in a successful marriage. My happiness is that both of us are matured and know the right thing we desire in this life.
I know it is important to meet and feel the closeness before we can move ahead in our plans to be together as husband and wife but at the same time , we can build our trust from afar since all that we desire is happiness. To me physical appearance means nothing as happiness will always suppress it.
My love, i am sure that soon i will be in Asia because i am expecting approval from few contract that i applied in Asia, and that will be an opportunity for me to be there and we can spend time together and plan for our future together.
I hope to hear from you and thank you for all your effort in this relationship. I will be looking forward to meeting you
Yours sincerely,Dabby