Vessandorn the prince was said to go on a long trip for such a long time that his subjects fongt him and even thought that he was already dead when he suddenly returued his people were overjoyed they welcomed him back with a celebration so loud that it even awoke the dead who then joined in all the fun form that time onward the faithful came to commemorate the event with ceremonies celebrations and the donning of ghostly spirit masks the reason behind all the events is probably due to the fact that it was held to evoke the annual rains from the heavens by farmers and tobless crops on the second day the villagers dance their way to the temple and fire off the usual bamboo rockets to signal the end of the procession the festival organizers also hold contests for the best masks costumes and dancers and brass plaques are awarded to the winners in each age group then comes the last day of the event the villagers then gather at the local temple wat ponchai to listen to messags of the thirteen sermons of the lord buddha recited by the local monks then it is time for the revelers to put away their ghostly masks and contumes for another-year from now on they must again return to the paddy fields to eke out their living through as their forefathers did