However, not all foods harbored enhanced survival of E. coli 0157: H7 at low temperatures (McIngvale and others 2000 Cheng and Chou 2001). McIngvale and others (2000) reported that survival of E. coli O 15: H7 was affected by contamination point (during fermentation versus post-fermentation), but the authors observed no apparent storage temperature effect (5 C vs 12 C) on the. survival of E. coli O157: H7 in buttermilk. Cheng and Chou (2001) observed that acid adaptation (at pH 5.0 in TSB for 4 h) and low temperature (7'C) enhanced the survival of E. coli O157: H7 in commercial juices (mango juice (pH 3.2) and asparagus. juice (pH 3.6) but acid adaptation reduced sur vival of E. coli O157: H7 in Yakult (pH 3.6) and low-fat yogurt (pH 3.9) during storage at 7 C. The disparity could be due to the presence of antimicrobials produced. by lactic acid bacteria in fermented milk products (Gonzalez and others 1993; Dineen and others 1998). Acid adaptation may have an effect on sen- sitization of cells to antimicrobials and may outweigh the effect of enhanced acid tolerance leading to reduced survival of acid adapted. E coli O157: H7 in fermented products (Cheng and 2001). In addition, the presence of nutrients definitely af fected survival of acid-stressed E. coli O157: H7. The most sensi tive strains of 0157: H7 can tolerate lengthy exposure to. highly acidic but glucose-rich environments (Glass and others 1992; and others 1993, Buchanan and Edelson 1996; Silk and Donnelly 1997, McIngvale and others 2000).