Describe a typical weekday in your home (daily routine, schedule, chores, activities) Brad leaves for work at 7:30 and beginning this fall Charlie will leave two mornings a week with him to be dropped off at preschool. Aubrey and the kids like to arrange play dates or other activities like the library and museum for mornings. The kids have a mid-morning snack and then lunch at basically the same time every day. Nap time is after lunch, though Charlie does not always nap now. We like to play outside if the weather is nice after nap time. Dinner is around 5:30/6 when Brad returns home from work. Then we have family time, often a walk outside or a dance party inside, and then baths at 7 and bed time for the kids at 7:30/7:45. Brad and Aubrey usually unwind with tv, reading, sitting out on the patio, etc after the kids go down. Of course, the new baby addition in October will throw off the routine a little probably, but we like to keep things very consistent for the kids.