Article 37
The Minister of the Environment, in regard to the National Park and the governor of
the prefecture concerned, in regard to the Quasi-national Park, respectively, may
designate, as the Park Management Organization, a legal entity established for
protection and proper use of the place of natural scenic landscape within the National or
Quasi-national Park under Article 34 of the Civil Code (Law No. 89 of 1896), or a
nonprofit organization under paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law to Promote Specified
Nonprofit Activities (Law No. 7 of 1998), or other legal entity prescribed in the
environmental ministerial ordinance, each of which is acknowledged as capable of
performing properly and certainly the operations mentioned in the items of the
following article.
2. In the event of designation under the preceding paragraph, the Minister of the
Environment and the governor of the prefecture concerned shall announce the name
and address of the Park Management Organization concerned and location of its
offices in the official gazette or prefectural official report, respectively.
3. Upon attempting to change the name, address or location of the office, the Park
Management Organization shall previously notify, to that effect, the Minister of the
Environment in the case of the National Park or the governor of the prefecture
concerned in the case of Quasi-national Park.
4. In the event of notification under the preceding paragraph, the Minister of the
Environment or the governor of the prefecture concerned shall announce the matters
concerning the notification in the official gazette or prefectural official report,
Article 38
The Park Management Organization shall perform the following operations:
(1) Management of the places of natural scenic beauty and other activities that
contribute to preservation of natural scenic beauty under the Scenic Landscape
Preservation Agreement.
(2) Maintenance and management of the facilities within the National or Quasi-national
Park including repairs.
(3) Collection and presentation of information or materials concerning the protection of