In Japan, it has a lot of comics series which we can choose to enjoy or watch it but the most popular comics series in presently is Naruto.Naruto is a Japanese comic which created by Masashi Kichimoto, is about a young ninja who determined to become a powerful ninja in the world. This comic is very popular both in Asian and western countries .
There are many reason why is Naruto popular but in my opinion. First, the plot of Naruto’s story.The plotis verybrilliant, interesting, and different from another. For example, between Naruto and Ninja Hatori they were ninja comics but the things that made Naruto different and interesting more than Ninja Hatori is the plot of the story. While Naruto based on Japaneselegend as the nine tailed fox and that’s interesting and can catch the attention of people to know more about the story but Ninja Hatori is just a simple plot that about the dairy life and not funny ,so it can make people bored. Second, the characters in the comic. The characters in the comic has many style,different powers and ,abilities and when we read it, we can feel it likes the real person in real life and they also have a background story of their life that can loads of emotional moments in this series, some that make us laugh, some that make us angry and some that make us cry. For example, the famous character is “Naruto” who has a spirit fox and that made everyone scared of him because they thought that he is dangerous and this was very sad because no one else want to be a friends with him and he want to prove himself that he can be the best ninja ever and he is not dangerous like everyone thought. Third, the fight scenes. Every fight scenes in Naruto are very fun and amazing because it takes a genius to create a jutsu or ninja technique but an average ninja to counter it. This makes the fights that much more interesting. For example, the fight scene of Naruto VS Pain this fight was very famous for every fans because it used many jutsuand the main character like Naruto tried to beat the enemy like Pain who is the most strongest in the ninja’s world and make ninja’s world become peaceful.
Although in the present it has a lot of comics that have plot about ninja but Naruto always still the one of ninja comics that’s very well know. Thosethings that I’ve said can be the factors that made Naruto became popular comic in many countries in the world and has sold over 220 million copies worldwide as of 2015,and also be the comic which in the New York Times comic best seller of 2015 too.