Additional components of the spark ignition system consisted
of a distributor, an ignition coil and spark plug. The spark ignition
system selected was an electric ignition system, taken from a Mitsubishi
4G15 engine. The vacuum and centrifugal advances were
disabled because the engine was run at a constant speed. Modification
of the distributor was done by a magnet attached to the flywheel
of the engine and a pick-up installed on the casing. When
the magnet on flywheel rotated closed to the pick-up, a spark
was initiated by a transistor and the ignition coil. Every revolutions
of the engine provided a spark in combustion chamber. The spark
ignition timing can be adjusted in a range of 0–60 TDC. For
mounting of spark plug, the injector nozzle was removed. Auxiliary
combustion chamber operated smoothly with new cylinder head.
The gas mixer of the engine was of the venturi type. Air and producer
gas was mixed before entering combustion chamber. The
gas mixer was used to supply the suitable mixture of air and gas
required for the engine, operating between 1000 and 2000 rpm
and 25 mm of a throat diameter.