An exploratory study of CO2concentrations and fluxes was conducted during 2013, at a site 12 km North ofHarare, Zimbabwe. CO2measurements were made over four adjacent fields of differing surface vegetation.The data illustrate the role of atmospheric intermittency as a mechanism for transferring CO2betweenthe surface and the atmosphere. At night, limited atmospheric mixing permits CO2concentrations toincrease to levels well above those conventionally reported (exceeding a spatial average of 450 ppm onsome nights), but these high levels are moderated by a periodic intermittency that appears similar to thatobserved elsewhere and often associated with the presence of strong, synoptic-scale winds aloft (espe-cially low-level jets). The availability of CO2data with adequate time resolution facilitates investigationof the general behavior, which is suspected to be a common although rarely observed feature of the lowerterrestrial atmosphere. If true, this means that the nocturnal vertical transfer of momentum, heat andmass is not solely through a constrained spectral continuum of turbulence as much as by intermittentbursts, propagating from above and penetrating the surface boundary layer.