So that was the reason.
Ainz nodded in comprehension. They were hunting monsters that wandered from the forest into the plains.
"That's the plan Momon-san. What do you think? Willing to lend us a hand?"
"... Yes, please take care of me then... but before that, can I confirm the wages?"
"Ah, that's right, wages are important. In principle, Momon-san's team will be cooperating with our team, so we will split the earnings."
"Considering the number of members, this arrangement seems very generous."
"But Momon-san’s team will need to handle half the monsters we encounter. We can only use spells up to rank 2. Taking this into consideration, it’s a fair arrangement."
Ainz pretended to consider for a moment before nodding in agreement:
"This arrangement is fine, let’s fight together. Since we will be working alongside each other, I will let everyone see my face."
Ainz took off his helmet after finishing, surprising the four of them with his looks.
"Black hair and eyes just like Nabel-san, you don't seem to be from around here. I heard people like Momon-san are common in the south, do you hail from there?