Firstly, it is human exploitation by crooks from Myanmar or Bangladesh. Secondly, the Bangladesh & Myanmar government are turning a blind eye because they don;t care about these people, they wish they didn;t exist in in their borders. For them, they wish they would be taken away. But these poor people for generations have been there. Now, imagine if this were to happen to Malaysia, or Indonesia or Thailand, the west would pressurise like crazy with embargo or economic sanctions. But why UN and the west are keeping quiet but instead raise the Refugee flag? One of the founding fathers of ASEAN, S Rajaratnam, former Minister of Singapore said that in his own words, In Southeast Asia, as in Europe and any part of the world, he said, outside powers had a vested interest in the balkanization of the region. This issue has been made into a REFUGEE CRISIS, pushing other nations to absorb the problem, while it is actually A HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, GENOCIDE that any other government in the Middle East would have been dismantled by Western intervention via Security Council, again for their interest. Already Malaysia played to the tune of the West the other day by making the stupid statement that Phillipines and Cambodia should accept these refugees. So that's how they had intended it, to make us quarrel, balkanization. Remember, QUESTION EVERYTHING! and this is not a refugee issue NOR A RELIGIOUS ONE.