Manager Comments – from K.Asif
Dutsadee Sa-nguanrat is doing good and last two months she has improved significantly. She has learnt how SignifyCRM integrated with Jasper Report
She knows how to create model in php, declare parameters, and modify filters if necessary. She can write some piece of codes in php as well in order
to fix some defects.She covered most of the key components of iReports required to write SignifyCRM forms and reports. She is very good at collaborate with
BA and keep continue push them until she receives the input. Now it's time for her to jump to advance level of iReport such as use of table, cross tabs and charts elements
and advance sql queries, minimum optimization and performance of sql queries. She is punctual. I hope in future If she continues to work in this pace, she would be a good DBA.
She only needs to manage her time effciently. By managing her time, she can deliver her assignment faster.