Planetariums of the world
Martin Richard George
International Planetarium Society,Australia
The planetarium industry began in the 192os, with the first projectors being made in Germany. Today, around the world, there are some 5000 planetariums, many of which form part of the International Planetarium Society. Planetariums are a major educational resource for astronomy and space topics, as well as being fine public entertainment venues. Today, more and more planetariums are using digital techniques, allowing for the best-ever specialeffects. Planetariums serve as an inspiration to people of all ages to learn morn about astronomy, and provide a valuable information service to the public; their staffs often appear in the media and present public lectures. The speaker will discuss the role of planetariums in today’s world, and why astronomy education in general is becoming increasingly important. Many of the world’s planetariums, in a variety of countries, will be illustrated