stability schemes used with the models. The results aredemonstrated for Kittsee, a rural site in the Eastern flatlands ofAustria near Bratislava. On-site meteorological conditions are presentedin Figs. 1 and 2.The maximum of the separation distances occurs for NW windand is thus stretching south-east; this can be explained by the factthat the main wind direction in Kittsee is also associated with thehighest average wind speed and predominantly neutral to stabledispersion conditions. In this case, LASAT delivers partly unrealisticallylarge separation distances, especially with the factor 4 andalso caused by the stability scheme with LASAT which calculates farmore neutral and stable situations occurring with NW wind thanthe AODM stability scheme. Allowing for an exceedence probabilityof 8%, LASAT calculates either no or similar separation distances asAODM for easterly winds, as these are mainly associated with unstableconditions, which are very seldom in the LASAT stabilityscheme compared to AODM. Thus, apart from the different peak-tomeanconcepts used with the models, there is also an importantinfluence of local meteorology on the separation distances via thedifferent stability concepts applied with AODM and LASAT. Differencesin the separation distances between AODM and LASAT arereduced with an increasing exceedence probability.The by far largest separation distances are obtained when anoverall factor 4 is used to account for the momentary odour