This work highlights technical issues and surveys existing work
on solutions to provide analytics capabilities for Big Data on the
Cloud. Considering the traditional analytics workflow presented in
Fig. 1, we focus on key issues in the phases of an analytics solution.
With Big Data it is evident that many of the challenges of Cloud
analytics concern data management, integration, and processing.
Previous work has focused on issues such as data formats, data
representation, storage, access, privacy, and data quality. Section 3
presents existing work addressing these challenges on Cloud environments. In Section 4, we elaborate on existing models to provide
and evaluate data models on the Cloud. Section 5 describes solutions for data visualisation and customer interaction with analytics solutions provided by a Cloud. We also highlight some of the
business challenges posed by this delivery model when we discuss
service structures, service level agreements, and business models.
Security is certainly a key challenge for hosting analytics solutions
on public Clouds. We consider, however, that security is an extensive topic and would hence deserve a study of its own. Therefore,
security and evaluation of data correctness [130] are out of scope
of this survey.