1. I have gotten understanding about delivery process of CP ALL from distribution center to store, ordering process of store, and technologies for checking order of each store, which is scanning barcode to know what is these products and quantity of products that store needs.
2. Excel program was a program that I had barely used it. When I came as a internship worker at CP All I have learned more about this program, known how to write a code in excel program, and brought all knowledge that I have learned here to work in the future.
3. I have learnt about kind of graphs to create a dashboard for presentation. Each graph can be used in different reasons; we would use line chart for describing a trend or use pie chart for showing percentage.
4. I have learnt about QilkView program bringing the data to create dashboard, learning how to use this program, and knowing the advantages of this program to use in business.
5. I have learnt about how to write c# code, add and delete client access license.
6. For Morning Talk activity, I have gotten knowledge of several topics from people that joined this talk activity. I could bring the knowledge that I received to adapt in everyday life. And this activity made me having chance to know more friends.
7. I have been a seven-eleven (7-11) employee, I experienced a lot of things that I have never. When I was a customer I did not need to understand why seven-eleven (7-11) employees worked slowly but now I already understood and changed attitudes in a better way.
8. I have learnt what is a teamwork when I was a staff in Beer game. Beer game was a game about process in logistics that made me understand what was the number of minimum products should be left in inventory and backorder.
9. I have known human relation that was the most important thing to work with co-workers. When we worked as a team, we should have a clear communication and helped each other working even though they were not my responsible but because of we were a team. That made me have experience a real working environment.
10. I had to do some works that were provided by supervisor or performing given duty. Responsibility and attention for work that I was assigned. For example every Thursday at logistics department had to present about overall of data in company that work done on time was important.