Metal removal efficiency
Biosorption capacity (qe), the amount of metal adsorbed per
gram of biosorbent, can be calculated at equilibrium in mg/g
as follows:
qe ¼ ðC0 CeÞV=m ð1Þ
where C0 is the initial concentration of metal ions in the solution
(mg/L), Ce is the equilibrium concentration of metal ions
in the solution (mg/L), V is the volume of solution (in L) and m
is the mass of biosorbent applied (in g) (Hashim and Chu,
2004). Metal uptake can also be displayed by the percentage
of metal removal given by (Zhang et al., 1998; Volesky, 1992):
Metal removal ð%Þ ¼ 100ðC0 CeÞ=C0 ð2Þ