Homes & General Market
Are you looking to doing some electrical repairs to your home? Phelps Dodge provides you easy access to our wires and cables through several channels:
extensive network of distributors
authorized dealers and/or wholesalers
the Modern Trade market: depot-style stores (stand-alone or chain), which sell everything a home builder will need
do-it-yourself (DIY) shops, which sell mostly finishing products, but sometimes also include wires in their inventory
major home depots
Most in demand is our THHN/THWN-2 wire, the only UL-certified wire of this type in the country today.
We also supply TW, THW, non-metallic wires (PDX), and duparip or flatcord, including the PD Cord, a 300V version of the 600V portable cord (Permacord), for household appliances.
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