Various polymers are used, such as a negative PR (Photo
Resist), polyimide, and epoxy. In this process, we used BF410
Dry Film Resist (DFR) as a passivation layer (like negative
photoresist) for the sand blasting. Additionally, the DFR
Lamination method is similar to its bonding process. Glass
and silicon bonding methods are anodic bonding, (thermal)
fusion bonding, HF bonding (under SiO2-SiO2 bonding),
polymer bonding (adhesion bonding), and eutectic bonding
using metal as an interlayer. DFR bonding is a kind of
polymer bonding. Figure 3 shows the laminated wafers.
Figures 3(a), 3(b) show an appropriate pitch sizes and
laminated DFR thickness before the micro-blaster etching
process, respectively. Figure 3 (c) is a double side lamination
for the sensor parts fabrication. Figure 3(d) shows the
laminated silicon for the heat sink fine mass. Therefore, DFR
bonding or lamination is possible to relatively low
temperature, low pressure, and no voltage. It can be applied to
many applications of the MEMS structures.