Song lyrics are self-motivating. It is difficult to find someone who does not like music. However the professor needs to select not only the most appropriate lyrics but also the most suitable melody. This choice will determine whether the students will like it or not. Most song lyrics depict pronunciation features such as rhythm and stress, and, as a lyrical piece, it also presents rhymes and close related sounds. Therefore, working with listening and language speaking skills through them is not a difficult task. The students can even memorize the words and recite them to the rest of the class. In this context, pronunciation features easily become part of the students second language learners' acquired knowledge. In fact, the melody itself provides the ambience for implementing the utmost notion of teaching and learning, that is, the introduction of an activity that teaches and promotes fun at the same time. Depending on the type of song, slang words, English what is expressions, and idioms can also be taught. Afterwards, the simple fact of getting the students to sing along with the tape is a positive result