Making an opening statement
In Thailand, Malee Sampran still focused on delivering a good sales at the point of sale during the festival and provides product promotion through television and newspaper. There is a tasting booth to create perception and stimulate purchase of products. In USA don’t advertising the point of sale during the festival but focused on media advertising for let consumers know the best value from natural tastes delicious and benefits.
The increase the price of goods 10% The USA cannot accept a price increase But the USA accept a price increase 5% per order only. So Malee Sampran in Thailand should to price of goods increase was only 5% because if we don’t accept an offer of USA may be to loss of sales and loss major customer.
USA requested a discount of 2% to 5% of Malee Sampran in Thailand has proposed two alternatives is the choice of the discount is only 2%. Terms is a must purchase more than 5,000,000 baht up will receive a discount 2%.
USA accept 4% for discount and want to pay within 15 days which USA has a proposal for the promotion are the first discount 4% credit 15 days must get insurance damage of goods and free shipping. The second alternative is to discount 4% credit 20 days don’t get insurance damage of goods.
Accepting and Confirming
Malee Sampran in Thailand and the United States have accepted and confirmed it. In Thailand, it has focused on the sale during the festival will include promotion through television and newspapers. Provided free samples to encourage increased purchases. In the United States, it does not focus on advertising during the festival but the focus advertising on the value of products that have quality and benefits.
10% of the price of the United States that cannot be accepted but the United States accept a price increase of only 5%. In order not to lose a sale and losing a major client companies have agreed to accept the offer and confirmation to the United States to keep the prices of goods increased by 5%.
Malee Sampran in Thailand accepted the proposal and agreed that the United States would discount 2% to 5% but the United States must buy more than five million baht or more will receive a discount of 2%, and has been recognized and confirmed by the United States that accept the offer.
Malee Sampran accept and confirm promotion is the first choice proposed by the United States receive a 4% discount 15 days credit, the United States will have to be damage insurance products and free shiping.