Traditional forms of lecturing have been used in universities and schools for hundreds of years. It is one of the methods of
teaching, due to the fact that the message is delivered across a huge number of students at the same time. However, there are
serious questions regarding the effectiveness and student’s engagement of this conventional lecture approach because
studying and memorizing the concepts from the teachers’ note is considered as an ineffective way of teaching. Presently, there
are many calls to move away from the conventional lecture to interactive computer learning systems that allow students to
gain a thorough understanding about a certain topic or subject. Instead of being bounded by these limitations, multimedia
applications open up a new world of discovery in learning. This Interactive Microbiology application will imply the
interactive learning prospect that allows the incorporation of animation, moving pictures, sounds and quizzes which extend
the ability to present materials that encourage student’s interaction with the subject matter. The objective of the project is to
design and develop an interactive learning application to assist students for the Microbiology subject. 30 students were
selected as the target users for this project whose reaction and opinions have been analyzed and evaluated.
© 2012The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd. access under CC BY-NC-ND license.© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Open
Selectionand/or peer-review under responsibility of theof the Faculty of Education, University Technology MARA, Malaysia.Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility Faculty of Education, University Technology MARA, Malaysia.
Keyword: Interactive Learning; Multimedia; Microbiology; Biotechnology; Recombinant DNA