The evaluation of bacterial contamination in an
operating theater was performed by using settle plate
method. For sterility testing, Petri dishes containing 5%
sheep blood agar media were preincubated overnight
under the conditions that matched incubation of air
samples to be taken. This allowed the plates with
contaminants to be discarded. The sterile plates were
then transported to operation theatres in sealed plastic
bags. The plates were labeled with sample number, site
within theatre, time and date of sample collection.
During air sampling sterile gloves, mouth mask and
protective gown were worn to prevent self
contamination of the blood agar plate. Five plates were
kept in a single OT, four in the corners and one in the
centre, at the time when the surgery was in progress.
The index of microbial air contamination was based on
the count of the microbial fallout on to petri dishes left
SamplingThe evaluation of bacterial contamination in anoperating theater was performed by using settle platemethod. For sterility testing, Petri dishes containing 5%sheep blood agar media were preincubated overnightunder the conditions that matched incubation of airsamples to be taken. This allowed the plates withcontaminants to be discarded. The sterile plates werethen transported to operation theatres in sealed plasticbags. The plates were labeled with sample number, sitewithin theatre, time and date of sample collection.During air sampling sterile gloves, mouth mask andprotective gown were worn to prevent selfcontamination of the blood agar plate. Five plates werekept in a single OT, four in the corners and one in thecentre, at the time when the surgery was in progress.The index of microbial air contamination was based onthe count of the microbial fallout on to petri dishes left
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