After graduating, then Following on from this is life not everything is as easy as the previous example. We faced a lot of people have to come to the adult life.
Life and work are very different. We will, for example, the difference came 5 1 working there is no certainty. In May we will be moving the position removed or find new work. 2. working life does not have a lot of friends on bachiwit learning in school may have many friends. But after graduating, everybody. A friend at work has not important is difficult to find all the good friends. 3. working life, we can not stop working just like Miss. If we strike without justification could be ^. 4. working life not comfortable learning The work requires a high tolerance With patience, patience with work colleagues. We cannot do indulge like life. 5. success in a work life. Does not measure well, some might be tempted to upgrade to work and then there are the high salary. He wants to have a good job, but for some อค่ work that love happy. Now it is considered successful.
The resemblance between study and work. 1. make new friends like we have friends at College. 2. the responsibility for learning, we must have the responsibility for learning. In work เก็ต้อง are responsible for the work. 3. punctuality We must also come to life. In the work, the more we want. 4. maintain the regulation of the company, or whether it be college or work, we must have discipline 5. dress was organized. Some companies require uniforms like we put a schoolgirl
I like to learn more, because this is the time we have spent with friends is fun, but the work is necessary, that we need to do when you get towards the end.